Bud Bouquets & Bridal Info
When are fresh and dried lavender available?
Lavender is available as a U-Pick option (only) from our production field in Seafoam, Nova Scotia, for a period of about five days, usually sometime in early or mid-July. That is an approximate window, as a number of factors (especially spring weather conditions…precipitation, sunshine, temperature, etc.) affect availability and timelines. Please follow postings on our Instagram or Facebook page for the latest information about U-Pick operations. Better yet, sign up for our newsletter to be the first to learn about the U-Pick: https://lavendercanada.com/pages/newsletter?_pos=1&_sid=5ea2b24f9&_ss=r
Please note: lavender U-Pick is available BY APPOINTMENT only. (Newsletter subscribers get first choice of appointments.)
Can I purchase lavender bouquets from you?
The short answer to this question is: regrettably no, we do not sell lavender bouquets. This is due to a number of reasons, first and foremost is the lavender we harvest ourselves is needed to make our products. There are also restaurants and bakeries who have ongoing purchase contracts with us. With only about a two- to three-week window to harvest all the lavender buds and blossoms needed for a year's worth of production, we are in "full-bore" mode from sunrise to sunset harvesting as much lavender as possible to transform into finished products. HOWEVER, we invite you to join us during the harvest season to pick your very own bouquets via the U-Pick program.
Are fresh lavender blossom bouquets available?
Generally no — unless there happen to be some plants in bloom during the U-Pick. Harvesting outside the five-day window of the U-Pick is by exception only (please contact us to find out if this is possible). Also: unfortunately, lavender blossoms are extremely perishable (stems last for only one or two days after they've been picked). As an alternative to fresh flowers, we strongly urge you to harvest BUD bouquets and dry them (we tell you how to do this -- it's easy!). Bud bouquets take about one week to dry.
How does the "U-Pick" work?
We invite the public to harvest their own lavender bouquets. It takes approximately 20-30 minutes to harvest a one-inch bouquet. We supply everything you need: scissors, harvesting instructions, a measuring tool, etc. We charge based on the size of the bouquet you harvest.
How much do U-Pick bouquets cost?
The charge for lavender U-Pick is quite reasonable, with prices ranging between $5.00 and $15.00 per bouquet from -- just $5.00. A one-inch bouquet ($5.00) contains approximately 75 stems. Please check in at the information booth or the cashier's counter inside the Visitors' Centre for additional information. We provide everything you need: scissors, a measuring tool, instructions on where/how to harvest and dry the lavender stems, and rubber bands to tie the stems together. ****REMEMBER: U-Pick is by appointment only. Check our social media pages (Facebook or Instagram) for contact info.****