Dryer Ball (Single)

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$10.00 CAD

Please note these are single, unscented wool dryer balls. Purchase our complete Dryer Ball Bundle with lavender essential oil here.

Felted sheep's wool dryer balls can be added to your laundry in the dryer, to improve dryer efficiency and reduce wrinkles. The dryer balls bounce between your clothing inside the tumble dryer, and by separating the clothes, reduce the amount of time needed to dry them. They also help prevent wrinkles by allowing your clothes to move during the drying process.

Place dryer balls in dryer with your laundry. We recommend three dryer balls for a standard size tumble dryer, or four for a large one. To add a hint of lavender fragrance to your clothing, add a few drops of our lavender essential oil to each dryer ball and allow to soak in before you toss them in with your clothes!

Placez les boules de séchage dans le sèche-linge avec votre linge. Nous recommandons trois boules de séchage pour un sèche-linge de taille standard, ou quatre pour un grand modèle. Pour ajouter une touche de parfum de lavande à vos vêtements, ajoutez quelques gouttes de notre huile essentielle de lavande à chaque boule de séchage et laissez-la tremper avant de les jeter avec vos vêtements!

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