Pest Control

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$12.00 CAD

When raising plants indoors, invertebrate pests are unfortunately not an 'if', but a 'when.' Fortunately, houseplant infestations can be easy to treat if caught early. Additionally, very young lavender seedlings started indoors (or in a greenhouse) are susceptible to pest infestation by white flies, and preventative insecticidal soap treatment can protect them until they are large enough to move outdoors.

 Product Suggested use

Safer's Insecticidal Soap

Use on indoor and greenhouse plants against whiteflies, mealy bugs, aphids and spider mites. Available in ready-to-use spray bottle (1L) or concentrate which requires dilution (makes up to 25L when used as directed).
Safer's Sticky Stiks The yellow colour of the sticky traps attracts fungus gnats, aphids, thrips, and whiteflies, which become stuck to the trap. Can prevent an infestation from spreading between houseplants.

ProYard Controls Insect Glue Traps for Gardens & Orchards

The yellow colour of the sticky traps attracts flying plant pests, like cucumber beetles.

Doktor Doom Go Green Botanics Indoor Plant Spray

Use on indoor and greenhouse plants against whiteflies, spider mites, aphids, and thrips.

Doktor Doom Go Green Multipurpose Indoor Insect Control (Version 2)

Use on indoor and greenhouse plants against spiders, cockroaches, mosquitoes, wasps, ants, flies, and bed bugs.


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